Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brady's First Birthday!

Brady turned one on June 9th! My how time flies...that was such a quick year! Since Brady's birthday fell on a Saturday, we decided to have his party on his actual birthday. We kept the party small this year with family and a few close friends and I am glad we did it that way. Brady has become a little overwhelmed with big crowds lately so this turned out perfectly. Although we kept it small we still wanted it to be a special, memorable day which I think we accomplished! We started the day with Brad and I singing "Happy Birthday" to Brady when we got him out of his crib...he loved it but looked a little confused, ha! Then, we brought Brady into our bedroom and gave him one of his presents..of course he was most excited about the wrapping paper and ribbon! We hung out for awhile and got ready for the party. Brady loved the attention at his party, especially when everyone clapped after Happy Birthday...he was grinning from ear to ear. We were so overwhelmed with the sweet gifts...we have such special family and friends! We had a great day... I can't believe my baby is one!! And...Happy Birthday to Lauren ...Brady loved sharing his birthday with you!!

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