Thursday, September 29, 2011

Play Group!

Today after work Brady and I went to Alison and Woods' house for our first play group! Alison had the great idea of starting a little group with moms and their babies who were born in the last few months.   There was only one baby girl there tonight...all the boys had to fight over her, haha!  I knew some of the moms and there were a couple who I met for the first time tonight.  Everyone was so nice and it was so much fun hanging out with other moms! Brady was mesmerized by the other babies, it was really cute.  He did get a little fussy at the end but we lasted two hours so, I thought he did pretty well! We are hoping to meet once a month at different houses each time and add other moms and babies to the group!

Alison, Woods, Jennifer and Harper!

Lindsay and Daniel!

Shalanta and her twins!

Brady is getting a little sleepy!

Playing on the floor

Daniel, Townes, Woods, Grayer, Harper, Ashton and Brady!

Brady has had enough with the pictures!

We had a great night and can't wait to see everyone again next month!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Night in Cincinnati!

Saturday Brad and I dropped Brady off with parents and headed to Cincinnati for my friend, Kristy's wedding.  Kristy and I were Chi Os together at UK and have stayed good friends.  This is the second time we have left Brady for the night but the first time we have left town without him.  We knew he was in good hands so we were able to relax and have a good time!  My mom sent me texts throughout the evening to let me know how he was doing.  I was a little worried about him sleeping since he is so used to his crib now but he slept great in the pack and play at their house! The wedding was beautiful! I wish I would have taken more pictures but unfortunately all I had  with me was my phone so the few pictures I did get aren't very good. 

The Bride and Groom!

Pretty place cards

Picture with the Bride

Me and Hayley

Our night out!

Sunday we slept in (forgot what that is like, ha!). Then we headed home.  Brad and I were both excited to see Brady! We spent the rest of the day just hanging out at home.  Brad decided to let Brady try out his exersaucer.  He isn't quite tall enough to touch the floor but with a pillow underneath his feet he was able to stand up.  He seemed to like it for at least a little while! He looks so grown up in it!

We had a fun and busy weekend...I just wish it didn't go by so quickly!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Brady's First Tailgate!

Fall in Kentucky means it is time for football and more importantly (at least in my opinion), tailgating! Brad and I decided against getting our season tickets this year.  We thought it may be a little much trying to take a 3 month old into the games but, we did not give up on tailgating (at least not yet)!  Yesterday was the Kentucky/Louisville game and it was a beautiful day so, we decided to pack up the diaper bag and stroller and head to the stadium for a little bit.  We had to park pretty far away which usually is no big deal but with our new addition and all of his stuff it was quite the workout! Brady was very well behaved though and it was worth the hike! Brady looks like he is in a daze in most of the pictures...I don't think he knew what to think of this new experience!

We saw Gram T and Pepaw

Time to be burped after eating

Brady and Eloise...he really wants a sip of that drink!

Me, Brady and Tiff

Brady and Ashley

UK ended up losing the game but at least we had a fun afternoon! All three of us were exhausted when we got home.  Brady has gone to bed at 9:00 the last two nights and has slept till 7:00...let's hope he keeps it up!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Granny!

Today is my grandmother's (Granny's) birthday!  We celebrated tonight by taking her out to dinner.  As I have mentioned before, our family loves Mexican food and that's where we went tonight. It was delicious as always and we had a great time! We have not taken Brady to many restaurants and it always makes me a little nervous when we do but he did great tonight!  He was awake the entire time but seemed to enjoy looking around.  At the end of dinner the waiters sang to Granny and put a big sombrero on her head, she was so surprised and it was really cute! Happy Birthday Granny...we love you!!

Opening presents!

Blurry group shot

Brady and Daddy

Brady with Nannie, Great Granny, and Uncle David

Brady and Granddad

Family Picture

Sombrero Time!

Happy Birthday Granny!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friends, Family and Football!

Friday night Rush and Brittany came over!  The three of us used to work together until Brittany got married this summer and moved with her husband to Indiana where he coaches football at Purdue University.  We miss Brittany a lot at work and it was great to catch up on Friday!  Brady enjoyed the company too!

Brady and Brittany

Brady and the girls

Brad had to work on Saturday and Brady and I headed over to my parents house to watch the UK game.  David was out of town so my dad was very excited to have a guy to watch the game with!  Brady sat with Granddad for most of the game.  I'm sure that was the first of many games they will watch together, hopefully next time Brad and David will be there too!

Very Focused on the game!

Go Cats!

Playing with Nannie!

Happy boy!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

3 Months Old!

Brady turned three months old yesterday! It seems like I was just doing his two month post...time really is going way too quickly! Brady has changed a lot in the past month.  He is eating between and 4 and 6 oz., still every three hours during the day.  He had a rough couple of weeks where he stopped sleeping through the night but he seems to be back on track with that now, I think he was having a growth spurt.  He is still a night owl and we are working on gradually backing up his bedtime but as of now he is going to bed around 10:30 and he wakes up anywhere between 5:45 and 7:00.  He is becoming more interactive and does lots of cooing and more smiling which is so cute!  He loves laying on his play mat and is starting to play with the toys that hang down from it.  He is not quite as into his pacifier as he used to be although he does still take it some. He seems to prefer sticking his whole hand in his mouth (still hasn't quite figured out how to suck his thumb!) In the past couple of days we have tried to get Brady on more of a consistent nap schedule...hopefully by four months we will have this down! Brady does not like to be cradled like a baby anymore and he will definitely make sure you know it! He likes to sit up (with support, of course) in laps and loves to stand in laps too (again, obviously with support). He is really starting to have personality and we are having so much fun with him!

Our three month photo shoot didn't go very smoothly but at least we did it! First, my good camera was out of batteries (even though I swear I charged it the night before!) Then, Brady pretty much refused to smile for any pictures even though he had been smiling up a storm just minutes before, ha! Here are some of the pictures I managed to get...

This has been a wonderful three months, I can't believe how quickly he is growing and changing!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great three day weekend! Friday night Christy and Carson had us and a few other friends over for dinner.  Brady was invited too which was so nice! Courtney and Cooper also brought their baby, John Cooper who is about a month older than Brady.  It was cute to see the boys together!

Brady meeting John Cooper!

On Saturday Brady and I picked up my mom and we headed to Hamburg to go fall clothes shopping for Brady.  It was a zoo out there and I was very thankful to have my mom with us to help!  We found some good deals and Brady is all set (at least until his next growth spurt comes, ha!) Saturday night Brad, Brady and I went to my parents for dinner.  It was a fun night and as usual Brady enjoyed hanging out with Nannie and Granddad!

All ready to shop!

Playing with Granddad

Hanging out with Nannie

Sunday we went to church then Tommie and Gayle came over.  Our garage door broke and Gayle was so nice and offered to help Brad install the new one!  It was a lot of hard work and we appreciated it so much.  While the boys worked in the garage Gram T and I hung out with Brady inside.  We both enjoyed her company!

All ready for church!

Cuddling with Gram T!

Monday was a dreary, cold day and we just enjoyed relaxing at home.  There were plenty of naps! Lauren and Scott came by and I wish I would have taken a picture...Brady fell asleep on Lauren's shoulder, it was so cute! 

Nap time!

 We crammed a lot of fun into the weekend...if only every weekend could be three days!