Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farmer's Market and Frozen Yogurt!

Saturday morning we headed downtown to the Farmer's Market.  This is something I have been wanting to do all summer and we finally got around to it! Luckily, the weather was perfect and it was nice to be out and about.  Brady was awake most of the time and seemed to enjoy looking around.  We saw many other strollers there, it must be a popular place for families on Saturday mornings! We got some fresh produce that we will be enjoying this week!

Brady doesn't look too happy here but he really
 did seem to enjoy himself!

Lexington Farmer's Market

We left the Farmer's Market around lunch time and instead of getting a "real" lunch Brad asked if I wanted to go to Cherry Berry.  Cherry Berry is a new frozen yogurt place that just opened up near us.  I had been anxious to try it since it opened and I guess Brad got the hint,ha! I have a pretty big sweet tooth and he definitely does not but he even seemed to enjoy it. I can't wait till Brady can eat real food so I can have an ice cream buddy more often...let's just hope he gets my sweet tooth!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Brady and the Girls

Tuesday was a big night for Brady! My friend Tandy came over with her daughter, Taylor Kate.  Taylor Kate is four weeks old and Tandy and I couldn't wait to get her and Brady together.  Lucy also came and brought Molly. Molly was the big kid in the group (3 years old!) and she was so cute with the babies!   Brad went to play golf so other than the dogs Brady was surrounded by girls.  He didn't seem to mind one bit!  Lucy, Tandy and I have been friends for a long time and it's so fun to think that our kids will be friends too! 

Tandy and Taylor Kate

Lucy and Brady

Molly resting on the couch

Brady with the girls!

So sweet!

Brady, Molly and Taylor Kate!

Brady has not been sleeping well since Sunday night...last night he woke up at 1:15 and was up until 2:45 then woke up again at 4:00.  I'm not sure what is going on...he had been doing so well!  I am sleepy but trying to remember this is just a least there's only a couple days till the weekend! Who knows...maybe he will sleep well tonight?!

Brady taking a little rest on his new favorite thing... 
a playmat from Elizabeth...wish I had one in my size!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Weekend of Firsts

We have had a very busy and fun weekend! On Friday after work we headed to Brad's family's farm for the night.  Every year in August the family has a picnic to honor Brad's cousin, Jeff who passed away from Leukemia.  All of Jeff's best friends come and bring their wives and children. They are such a great group of loyal friends and everyone always has a great time! This year there was one extra child because Brady got to come along! Brad and I usually stay the night at the farm after the picnic and we decided we wanted to go ahead and stay this year too. It was our first night as a family of three away from home and I was a little bit nervous but Brady did really well. There were lots of extra hands to help out which I greatly appreciated! We had a full house...Me, Brad, Brady, Gram T and Pepaw, Colin, Aunt Vern and Uncle Tom, and Aunt much fun!

Brady all ready to leave for the farm!

Gram T entertaining Brady

Gram T brought her swing for Brady!

Colin ready to play some football!

The boys with Aunt Vern and Uncle Tom

The boys with Colin

Snuggle time with Aunt B

So sleepy!

Ready for his first night away from home!

Saturday morning after a delicious breakfast we headed home to get ready for another big night...Brady's first night away from Brad and I! We had a wedding to go to and knew we would be late getting home so Brady stayed with Nannie and Granddad.  Again, I was a little nervous but he did well!  My mom texted me throughout the evening which helped to calm my nerves.  I knew he was in great hands and Brad and I enjoyed our night out!

Brad and I with Lauren and Scott before the wedding

Getting ready to leave Brady for his sleepover!

Brady was excited for his night with Nannie and Granddad!

Very content!

Me, Lauren and Tyler at the wedding
(blurry iphone pic)

We had a fun filled weekend but it went by way too fast! Brady did well adjusting to some changes, now let's hope he re-adjusts to being back home and sleeps tonight haha!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reunion with Nannie!

My mom and brother are finally back from England! We haven't seen David yet, he has been super busy since they got back but we have seen my mom.  She sent me a text message while I was at work on Friday and asked if Brady and I could stop by after I got off work.  We were both excited to see her, two weeks was too long! She brought Brady back some adorable outfits that I can't wait to put on him.  These will come in very handy because he is quickly growing out of EVERYTHING!
So glad Nannie is back!

Hanging out at Nannie and Granddad's.

Even though Brady and I spent some time over at my parents Friday afternoon they still wanted some more "Brady time" and offered to babysit while Brad and I went to dinner.  I love to go out to eat and this is something we haven't done much of in the past nine weeks so we took them up on it.  Brady had a good time with Nannie and Granddad as usual (I'm pretty sure they had a great time too!)

The three of us before Brad and I went to dinner. 

Since my mom is back, she and Tommie will start their schedule of taking turns watching Brady this week.  Tommie was so helpful last week doing all five days and I can't thank her enough! It was so comforting knowing he was in good hands during my first week back.  Brady is so lucky to have the best babysitters! I can't believe it's time for another work week...hopefully it will fly by!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

2 Months Old!

Brady turned two months old on Tuesday! He was actually eight weeks last Thursday but I am going to go by the date each month because it will be easier to keep up with.  My goal is to take pictures on his monthly "birthday" each month for the first year.  So far I have done well, two down, ten to go! Here are a few pictures from our photo shoot yesterday...

At two months Brady is 12 lbs. 7 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long.  He eats between 3 and 6 oz. every 3 hours during the day.  Brady slept through the night for the first time at 7 weeks and is now consistently (knock on wood!) sleeping from approximately 11:00 pm to 6:00 am in his crib.  He falls asleep to his Sleep Sheep every night (greatest thing ever!) He loves looking at fans and pictures on the wall.  He doesn't really "play" yet but he does love his swing, enjoys laying on his playmat for short periods of time, and loves to be in his stroller for walks.  Brady also still likes his pacifier.  These two months have flown by and he is changing so much every day!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back to Work

Well, I survived my first day back to work!  This was a day that I have been nervous about since Brady arrived 8 weeks ago.  I have enjoyed my time at home with him so much and the thought of being away from him every day has made me sad. One of the major discussions Brad and I had when I found out I was pregnant was where the baby would go during the day.  If we couldn't be home with him, we needed  someone who would do an amazing job caring for him.   We are so fortunate because our moms have offered to watch Brady! This is a HUGE relief and we can not thank them enough!  Brad's mom, Tommie (Gram T) and my mom, Vicky (Nannie) will switch off days.  My mom is still in England so Tommie has agreed to watch Brady all week long.  She was so nice and came to my house this morning (I will usually take Brady to them) to help make things go smoothly for my first day back.  As soon as she walked in the door I cried which made her cry and we were both just a mess! Meanwhile, Brady was perfectly content in his swing ha!  Once I got in my car I pulled myself together and headed to work . Luckily, I do enjoy my job and I work with some good friends which made the first day back easier! It was nice to see everyone and the day actually went by fairly quickly.  Brad was very sweet and sent me flowers at work which helped to brighten my day!
It may take awhile for me to get used to life as a working mom but at least I know I have this sweet face to come home to!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Skyping with Nannie and Uncle David

My mom and brother have been in England since last Sunday and they won't be back until Thursday night.  My mom's Godmother  lives there. My brother, David and I have grown up calling her Grandma Gilroy and although she isn't a blood relative we have always considered her to be our grandmother.  She is almost 92 years old and is an amazing woman! Unfortunately she is not doing very well so my mom decided to head to England last week and since my dad was out of vacation days and David has another couple weeks until law school starts back up he went with my mom.  We have missed them and I know they have missed us (well, they can probably handle being away from us but being away from Brady is a little harder haha!)
Saturday night Brad, Brady, and I went over to my parents house to eat with my dad and we skyped with my mom, brother and a family friend, Joan.  It was great to talk to them and this way they could actually see Brady!
Getting ready to skype with Nannie and Uncle David!

Nannie and Uncle David in England!

Relaxing after dinner

 My friend Lauren came by for a visit on Saturday during the day. Lauren and I have been friends since high school and she and her husband, Scott live near us which we love!

Brady very content in Lauren's arms!

Today has already been a busy day and it's not over yet! I had a baby shower to go to so Brad decided to take Brady to church by himself.  I was so impressed!  I texted Brad during the shower to see how it went and he said Brady was very well behaved and they even went to the grocery store after church.  I am very blessed to have such a hands on dad for a husband!
My boys all ready for church!

We are going to relax at home for the rest of the afternoon.  This weekend has gone by too quickly!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Very Fussy Friday

My poor baby was either sleeping or fussy all day yesterday! I think those shots really affected him and he was just pitiful most of the day. We already had plans to meet my friend, Tyler for lunch so I decided we may as well give it a try. He actually slept through the entire lunch and Tyler and I had a good time chatting!  Tyler is due with a baby boy in Novemeber and Brady and I can't wait for him to arrive!  It was Brady's first trip to Suggins, maybe next time he will be awake for some of it, haha. I forgot to take any pictures at lunch, but honestly it would have just been Brady sleeping!

After lunch I talked to my friend Lucy and she asked us if we wanted to stop by her house for a little visit.  Lucy has two of the most adorable little girls, Molly and Annie.  Brady started to get fussy while we were visiting so we didn't stay long but it was great to see the girls!
Lucy and Molly

Brady cuddling with Lucy

Annie was worn out!

We left Lucy's and went home to relax for a little bit before Brad's mom and step-dad came over to babysit.  Brad and I went to a party for our friends Carson and Christy who are getting married in two weeks! It was nice to get out for awhile and see lots of friends who we hadn't seen in awhile (we have been a little busy lately haha!) Brady was fussy while we were gone but Gram T and Pepaw did a good job of calming him down! We couldn't get him to fall asleep until midnight but he slept until 8:30 this morning! That is the longest stretch he has ever gone.  Brad and I kept checking on him to be sure he was breathing! 


I am hoping Brady will be back to himself today.  I'm going to go enjoy the rest of the weekend with my little guy before I go back to work Monday!

Friday, August 5, 2011

2 Month Check Up

Brady had his 2 month check up with the pediatrician yesterday.  I remember scheduling that appointment 6 weeks ago and thinking it sounded far away.  It sure came quickly! My mother in law (Gram T) came with us to the appointment.  She was such a big help! My mom went with us last time to meet our pediatrician and this time Gram T got to meet him.  Dr. Warner is wonderful and has twin boys who are 6 months old. 

Brady is definitely growing!  Here are his 2 month stats:

Weight: 12 lbs. 7 oz. 70th percentile!
Length:  22 1/2 inches 50th percentile
Head Circumference: 39 1/2 30th percentile

Brady also had to have his 2 month shots.   One of his shots was something he had to take orally.  My mother in law and I were laughing because he drank it right down without a problem (this boy likes to eat! hehe).  Next came two shots, one in each leg. This was the hard part, on all three of us! He cried and cried and I felt so bad for him.  He definitely was not himself the rest of the day.  He slept most of the day, didn't eat much, and would cry when awake.  I felt so sorry for him! I am not looking forward to his 4 month check up, more shots!

Brady before his appointment, such a big boy!

His legs with bandaids after his shots, so sad!

Asleep his in favorite spot after a rough morning!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lunch Time Fun!

I can't believe it...this is my last week of maternity leave! Time has flown by!  I am so sad that my time at home is almost over and am trying to enjoy every minute of what's left.  It's only Wednesday and Brady and I have already crammed in lots of fun. We have had a lunch date every day so far!

Monday my good friend Rush came over during her lunch break.  Rush and I went to highschool together, grad school together, and now we  work together as Speech-Language Pathologists at a retirement home. I am very lucky to get to work with such a good friend!  She will make going back to work a little more bearable:)

Rush and Brady
(check out the lips on Brady!)

On Tuesday Brady and I went to lunch with Granddad (Brady's Granddad, my Dad).  We went to Durangos, a delicious Mexican restaurant that has been one of our family's favorites for a long time now. I was a little nervous about taking Brady out but he did well!  He got a little fussy once or twice but calmed down quickly. I'm sure Brady will grow to love Durangos too!

Brady hanging out in his carseat at Durangos

Granddad and Brady after lunch

Today we had another fun lunch date! My dad and I took Brady out to my Granny's house to visit.  We had a wonderful time visiting and I learned a few tips from Granny.  She raised FIVE boys so any advice from her is greatly appreciated! 

Me, Granny, and Brady

Brady with his Granddad and Great Granny

Brady and I have had a great week so far! Hopefully we can cram some more fun into my last few days at home!