Brady is all geared up and ready for the first UK football game of the season! Considering the game doesn't start till 9:15 it is likely that he will last longer than his mom! Luckily Brady has been sleeping much better this week than last but he still has no interest in going to bed before 11:00, I guess he is a night owl like his dad. Even though 11:00 is not an ideal bedtime Brad and I have a pretty good routine down. He stays up and puts Brady down and I head to bed early. Then I wake up in the night (if Brady has a rough night) and I get up early with him in the morning. This way we all get some sleep! Hopefully soon Brady will go for an earlier bedtime but until then we will stick with our least this way Brad has someone to watch the game with! Go Cats!!
He looks happy in his Wildcat gear!!