Brady turned three months old yesterday! It seems like I was just doing his two month post...time really is going way too quickly! Brady has changed a lot in the past month. He is eating between and 4 and 6 oz., still every three hours during the day. He had a rough couple of weeks where he stopped sleeping through the night but he seems to be back on track with that now, I think he was having a growth spurt. He is still a night owl and we are working on gradually backing up his bedtime but as of now he is going to bed around 10:30 and he wakes up anywhere between 5:45 and 7:00. He is becoming more interactive and does lots of cooing and more smiling which is so cute! He loves laying on his play mat and is starting to play with the toys that hang down from it. He is not quite as into his pacifier as he used to be although he does still take it some. He seems to prefer sticking his whole hand in his mouth (still hasn't quite figured out how to suck his thumb!) In the past couple of days we have tried to get Brady on more of a consistent nap schedule...hopefully by four months we will have this down! Brady does not like to be cradled like a baby anymore and he will definitely make sure you know it! He likes to sit up (with support, of course) in laps and loves to stand in laps too (again, obviously with support). He is really starting to have personality and we are having so much fun with him!
Our three month photo shoot didn't go very smoothly but at least we did it! First, my good camera was out of batteries (even though I swear I charged it the night before!) Then, Brady pretty much refused to smile for any pictures even though he had been smiling up a storm just minutes before, ha! Here are some of the pictures I managed to get...
This has been a wonderful three months, I can't believe how quickly he is growing and changing!
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