Sunday, December 11, 2011

6 Months (checkup and pictures)

Brady turned six months old on Friday!  I can't believe how quickly half a year has gone!  We have had another fun month.  Brady's personality is really starting to come through and we have so much fun with him.  He is loving his exersaucer lately and is starting to really play with the toys on it. He wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth!  He can almost sit up but still needs a little bit of help.  He makes all kinds of sounds and can get very loud at times!  Brady has started going to sleep a little earlier (has his last bottle around 8) and he is doing pretty well at putting himself to sleep rather than needing to be rocked until he is asleep.  He still loves bathtime.  So far he is not a fan of winter because that means more clothes and he is happiest in just a diaper! This months photo shoot was a little bit of a challenge because he was much more interested in the paper that said 6 months than he was at looking at me...oh well!

Tried to get some in a Santa hat..this turned out to be very distracting, ha!

Paper is fun to play with!

And it tastes good!

Ok...finally one where he is looking at me and smiling (sort of)!

Turning six months meant another check-up with Dr. Warner and more shots.  My mom went with us again which was such a big help because there is a lot to learn at the six month appointment.  Dr. Warner went over Brady's eating schedule for the next few months. I am so excited that he gets to have something other than his bottle!  He did really well at the appointment.  He did cry after the shots but not for long this time! Here are his six month stats:
Length: 26 1/4 (45th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs., 8 oz. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43 1/2 (45th percentile)
Brady and Nannie..waiting on Dr. Warner

After his shots...all ready to go home!

Brady with his six month present, and present for being so brave with his shots!..
Freddy the Frog:)

Granddad, Brady, and Freddy!

If the next six months goes by as fast as the first, Brady is going to be one before we know it!  I wouldn't mind if time slowed down just a little!

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