Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Very Fussy Friday

My poor baby was either sleeping or fussy all day yesterday! I think those shots really affected him and he was just pitiful most of the day. We already had plans to meet my friend, Tyler for lunch so I decided we may as well give it a try. He actually slept through the entire lunch and Tyler and I had a good time chatting!  Tyler is due with a baby boy in Novemeber and Brady and I can't wait for him to arrive!  It was Brady's first trip to Suggins, maybe next time he will be awake for some of it, haha. I forgot to take any pictures at lunch, but honestly it would have just been Brady sleeping!

After lunch I talked to my friend Lucy and she asked us if we wanted to stop by her house for a little visit.  Lucy has two of the most adorable little girls, Molly and Annie.  Brady started to get fussy while we were visiting so we didn't stay long but it was great to see the girls!
Lucy and Molly

Brady cuddling with Lucy

Annie was worn out!

We left Lucy's and went home to relax for a little bit before Brad's mom and step-dad came over to babysit.  Brad and I went to a party for our friends Carson and Christy who are getting married in two weeks! It was nice to get out for awhile and see lots of friends who we hadn't seen in awhile (we have been a little busy lately haha!) Brady was fussy while we were gone but Gram T and Pepaw did a good job of calming him down! We couldn't get him to fall asleep until midnight but he slept until 8:30 this morning! That is the longest stretch he has ever gone.  Brad and I kept checking on him to be sure he was breathing! 


I am hoping Brady will be back to himself today.  I'm going to go enjoy the rest of the weekend with my little guy before I go back to work Monday!

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