Brady had his 9 month checkup with Dr. Warner last week and he handled it like a champ! Luckily, he didn't have to have any shots but he did have to be weighed, measured, and worst of all have his finger pricked. I was shocked when he didn't cry during the finger prick! The nurse said babies rarely do though...I think it hurts! Here are his 9 month stats:
Length: 27.5 inches (25%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 2 oz. (50%)
Head: 46.5 (75%)
Looks like so far Brady has my height (sorry buddy) and my big head! The important thing is he is a healthy boy.
Waiting on Dr. Warner!
Thanks for coming with us, Nannie!
At the end of his appointment we scheduled his one year checkup!! I can't believe it!!