Happy first Halloween, Brady!
So sleepy on this Monday morning!
Brady spent the day with Gram T and after work we headed over to my parent's house. They have spent the last eleven days in England visiting family and going to my cousin's wedding and they just got home late last night! It was great to see them and I think they were pretty excited to see us (especially Brady, haha) too! A big thank you to Gram T and Pepaw for watching Brady the whole time they were gone! Here are some more pictures of Brady in his pumpkin costume....
My little pumpkin!
Happy to see Nannie and...
sweet boy
We did not take Brady trick or treating this year since I am pretty sure I would've ended up eating all the candy! Instead Brad, Brady and I handed out candy. We had tons of trick or treaters and ended up running out of candy (oops!) Hope everyone is having a Happy Halloween!